Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Quatchi Bars

Welcome to QuatchiBars.Com! We are advertising Quatchi Bars: The new, ingenuous bar that is made 100% Natural Sasquatch Meat! It comes in Chocolate, Caramel, Strawberry, Lime, Vanilla and Original 'Sasquatch'. It is 100% Fat Free and has no Artificial Sasquatch meat. It is 100% Environmentally sustainable towards Sasquatches through our Sasquatch Breeding Program. Note: Some Sasquatches may be Imbred, due to the efficiency of our product. Particularly the Sasquatch, Bobby. It is packaged in artificially manufactured Sasquatch fur.

Promotional Quatchi Bar(Lime) Packaging: We have not started production of our Sasquatch Fur Yet.

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